In the midst of the trend of planting flowers or ornamental plants, the wijaya kusuma flower is a plant that is quite targeted by plant lovers. The wijaya kusuma flower itself is a flower plant that has been around for a long time, but is starting to become popular again as the world of plant gardening accelerates due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The wijaya kusuma flower or also called the wiku flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) is a type of cactus plant that has the class Dicotiledoneae.

In addition to its attractive and pleasing aroma, the wijaya kusuma flower turns out to be a valuable medicinal plant because it can help cure various health problems. What are the benefits of wijaya kusuma flowers?

From the results of the study, the benefits of wijaya kusuma flowers for several health problems are due to the presence of nutrients in plants in the form of protein, fatty acids, and small amounts of vitamins. The wijaya kusuma flower has also been shown to contain saponins, phenolic compounds, steroids, glycosides, tannins, terpenoids, and resins.

However, the benefits of wijaya kusuma flowers are still limited, because research results have not found ingredients that support antifungal activity so that they cannot overcome diseases caused by fungal infections.

Here some of the benefits behind the flowers wijaya kusuma you need to know!

1. Treat ulcers

The wijaya kusuma flower can also treat boils that a person has. How to treat boils with wijaya kusuma flowers is to grind or grind the wijaya kusuma flowers. After grinding the wijaya kusuma flowers into a fine powder, add a little water and apply on the boil.

2. Treat the wound

The wijaya kusuma flower is considered to be able to treat external wounds, where when the skin is injured it can dry out quickly just by attaching the wijaya kusuma flower. To treat the wound, mash the wijaya kusuma flower and apply it on the wound.

3. Treat uterine bleeding

Wijaya Kusuma flower is able to overcome the problem of uterine bleeding. Just like to treat sore throat, boil 2-3 wijaya kusuma flowers and drink regularly so that the healing process will be faster.

4. Overcome sore throat

Wijaya Kusuma flowers are also efficacious to overcome sore throat when the boiled water of the flowers is drunk. In this case, you only need to boil 3-5 wijaya flowers and wait a while before drinking. Drinking boiled water wijaya kusuma is also efficacious to overcome asthma and shortness of breath.

5. Eliminate body odor

Body odor is one of the problems of the body and shame. To overcome this, you just need to soak or bath with soaking water wijaya kusuma.


Tuberculosis (TBC) is a lung disease that is quite common in Indonesia. Tuberculosis is a disease that takes a long time to cure and must be done by taking medicine without breaking. However, who would have thought that the wijaya kusuma flower could also treat tuberculosis.

How to use the wijaya kusuma flower for tuberculosis is also to boil the flowers in water. Boil 3-5 wijaya kusuma flowers into 3 cups of water. You can add 15 grams of palm sugar. Boil until the remaining 1 cup of water from the previous 3 cups. When finished, strain the cooking water. Consume boiled water of wijaya kusuma flower + palm sugar 2 a day.

7. To cope with acne

The wijaya kusuma flower is also useful for other skin problems such as acne. The anti-microbial content of the wijaya kusuma flower helps fight acne-causing bacteria called propionibacterium acne.

To treat acne, mash 2 wijaya kusuma flower buds with 1 small piece of aloe vera. Clean the wijaya kusuma flowers and aloe vera, put the wijaya kusuma flowers into the container and then mash or pulverize. Take the gel from the aloe vera leaf and put it into the mashed wijaya kusuma flower, then puree the two ingredients. The content of wijaya kusuma flower and aloe vera very quickly removes dead skin cells and accelerates the growth of new cells. Apply the wijaya kusuma mixture to the face with acne or apply it like wearing a face mask. Do it 3 times a day and acne problems can be resolved.

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